Is your diocese promoting the synod? No matter what, you can still participate

Editorial: Bishops must commit to saving the Earth now

A new beginning? Listening for a synodal church

Catholic groups outline priorities ahead of Glasgow COP26 climate change summit

On Pope Francis, EWTN and cracking down on criticism

The Francis Effect podcast: Popular movements, paternity leave, and climate change

Pope Francis targets 'post-truth' media and culture in speech to social movements

Francis has shifted teaching on just war theory, US military instructors say

Thank God for Pope Francis: Now, if only our culture war bishops would listen to him.

Follow Pope Francis' call to be a listening church — but from a 45-degree angle

It's past time for the US and other nuclear powers to disarm

Catholic tradition of care for environment dates back centuries before Pope Francis

Pope to lawmakers: Climate change requires quick consensus

EarthBeat Weekly: Winds and dust remind of life's interconnectedness on Earth

Your thoughts on Pope Francis' criticism of EWTN

Francis is betting a synodal church will be a cure for a clerical church

Pope's Latin Mass decision hasn't affected his popularity, survey finds

Pope Francis launches academic program for 'ecological conversion'

Editorial: Confession, penance needed for our inhumane immigration policies

The Francis Effect podcast: Francis and EWTN; religious liberty standoff; pop culture roundup
