In a divided Cyprus, Pope Francis pleads for an end to 'walls of fear'

Cypriot ambassador sees Francis' visit as moment of solidarity for his country

'Hidden Mercy' sheds light on history of the Catholic Church and HIV/AIDS

Small islands are settings for big messages as Francis heads to Cyprus, Greece

A rabbi reflects on the Law, the Pharisees and 'our friend' Francis

Meet the US ecologist who explained to Pope Francis why coral reefs are crucial for the planet

Catholics' duty is to advocate for a moral, anti-consumerist economy

Vatican's top liturgy official confirms restrictions on Latin Mass

Editorial: COP26 shortcomings point to mission for all Catholics

Documentary chronicles historic religious fraternity in United Arab Emirates

No explosion but plenty of simmering differences on Day 2 of bishops' meeting

Francis, the comic strip

COP26 climate summit made progress but came up short, Catholic agencies say

These 5 US bishops may be in the spotlight for years to come

Official launch of Laudato Si' Action Platform offers Catholics concrete steps toward sustainable lifestyles

EarthBeat Weekly: COP26 results are still too little, though perhaps not too late

New survey raises concerns about increasingly conservative clergy

Faith groups' work on climate must continue after COP26, says UNEP official

Failure to protect creation will mean facing 'God's judgment,' Pope Francis says

Solidarity is not 'a dirty word': Cardinals, experts discuss 'Fratelli Tutti' at one year
