This tension is a holy thing

As climate change intensifies, how might Laudato Si' guide community responses?

What descendants felt during a dig at a Jesuit-owned plantation

Links: Trump and the Taliban; Ben and Jerry’s; and RIP Thomas Levergood

Holy waters: Prayer and protest against Line 3 pipeline at Mississippi headwaters

Tired of the drip, drip, drip of Catholic sexual abuse reports? Let's try this.

Catholic Bioethics Center chooses culture war over Catholicism

Farmworkers' faith supports them in the fields and the fight for justice

Links: Class warfare; 'common good' economics; Ivereigh on Biden and Communion

Pastoral musicians share stories of resilience, ingenuity amid pandemic

How a powerful US lobby group helps Big Oil to block climate action

Catholic members of Congress cite faith in eviction moratorium fight, victory

Napa Institute expands to fight the culture war

Links: 'Know Your Enemy,' billionaire bribes and 'Latin Mass Hysteria'

New Catholic website 'The Pillar' operates on shaky journalistic foundation

Numbers of unaccompanied minors at border setting record

Indigenous leader Ted George was a 'fire carrier' who bridged cultures

Women believers changed the Roman Empire — now we must change the Roman Church

Links: A Catholic history bible; Cincinnati's archbishop and President Biden

Links: Attacks on Francis in Rockville Centre Diocese; how to combat misinformation
