Theologians call Vatican stance on same-sex unions unbiblical

Future tech requires regulations and balanced ties to creation, author says

The GOP, the big lie and the Avignon papacy

Catholic bishops opposed a suicide prevention hotline. Why?

Links: Corporations and politics; reuniting families; the 'big lie' continues

Sen. Warnock: Biden's infrastructure plan can help repair America's divisions

To save lives, we must scrap patent protections on coronavirus vaccines

Biden raises refugee ceiling, and faith-based groups brace for rebuilding work

I'm a Filipina American and racism makes me afraid for me, for my family

Anthony Fauci and Christine Grady honored with award at CTU event

Kentucky priest accused of sex abuse reinstated by Vatican

Biden's speech: Government focused on the common good is back

Wisconsin opens investigation of sexual abuse in the state's five dioceses

Lawsuits make new sex abuse claims against Legion of Christ

Wisconsin priest flouts 'Godless' COVID protocols

Can faith leaders shift public opinion toward climate action?

Tentler's 'American Catholics' book is a reliable, entertaining history

Parishes cannot obstruct sex abuse investigations

Now playing: Pope Francis' ecological encyclical set to music

Experts: U.S. pullout plan in Afghanistan does not address civilians' needs
