Links: A defense of EWTN; post-election blame game; threats to school board members

US bishops to choose culture war or communion in Baltimore

Links: Big Pharma fearmongering; Mark Zuckerberg's Meta; antisemitism on the left

Biden's revealing of the pope's words on Communion was impolitic, but forgivable

Reorganization at Knights of Columbus founder's church leads to hard feelings

As a first-time Latino father, here's how I will raise my son using 'just parenting'

West Virginia faith community to Joe Manchin: Listen to Pope Francis, support bold climate investments that benefit our state

The Francis Effect podcast: Popular movements, paternity leave, and climate change

Links: Vaccine mandate exemptions; Supreme Court changes; ideology run amok

Thank God for Pope Francis: Now, if only our culture war bishops would listen to him.

Two books reflect on America in the time of the pandemic

Links: Power outages in Puerto Rico; constitutional amendments; God as 'they'

American anti-poverty crusader finds an ally in Pope Francis at the Vatican

How Catholic colleges can address the epidemic of sexual violence on campuses

Links: 'Pandora Papers'; wealthy donors interfere; the race in Virginia

Biden administration's deeply unchristian immigration policy must change

Francis is set to open a worldwide synod process. US dioceses don't seem prepared.

Cardinal Gregory 'saddened' by divisions in the church

Advice to young priests from an 'older brother'

Immigration advocates criticize Biden administration for support of Title 42
