Rome-brokered peace deal increases chances of papal visit to South Sudan

Neighbors with nowhere to rest their heads

Impending bishop appointments set to put a stamp on US church in 2020

Pope meets new arrivals in Rome, says helping migrants is moral duty

Breaking through oaths of secrecy at the 2013 conclave

Fr. Robert Pelton built links between Latin America and US church

Francis' appointment of Jesuits to lead Vatican offices an 'anomaly' in church's history

Papal biographer: US bishops' original plan against abuse was PR ploy

Remote vote: New York bishops on 'ad limina' will cast USCCB ballots

Pope recommends pastoral 'closeness,' urges bishops to be courageous

On Catholic women deacons, San Diego's McElroy is 'in favor of it'

A tale of two synods: Putting the people of God first, 14 years later

English-speaking Catholics welcome Newman as saint in 'troubled times'

Indigenous from Brazil bring plea to Rome: 'We need more protection'

Controversy mixes with consensus as bishops gather for Amazon synod

Amazon synod organizers defend focus on disputed issues, cite region's needs

Rome synod aims to bolster identity of Ukrainian Greek Catholics amid conflict

Francis to visit three African nations, each one dealing with tensions

Rome police chaplain recalls slain officer's life of service

A sense of in between
