Benedict's unfortunate letter ignores the facts on the Catholic sex abuse crisis

Vatican imposes 10-year suspension on Legionaries priest for abuse

No justification for abuses, cover-up, Chilean bishop says

Pope to celebrate Holy Thursday with prisoners

South Sudan's leaders will head to Vatican for meetings, retreat

In new book, Richard Rohr says the 'universal Christ' changes everything

Gospel builds one's immunity against selfishness, pope tells students

Pope to beatify martyrs, visit Marian shrine on trip to Romania

Pope: God is purifying the church with 'unbearable' pain of abuse scandal

Why the sex abuse summit accomplished nothing

Give up gossiping for Lent, pope suggests

Iowa bishop issues list on abuse 'with heavy heart,' says transparency is key

Reaction of conservative Catholics to abuse summit reveals a lot

Bishops told transparency needed to overcome clergy abuse crisis

In the US, a sobering mood after news of McCarrick's laicization

Welcome Christ present in migrants and refugees, pope urges

French order, acknowledging abuse by founder, clarifies pope's remarks

Spokesman for Central African bishops raises doubts about new peace deal

Does God want religious diversity? Abu Dhabi text raises questions

In memoriam — Gaspar Romero, brother of St. Oscar Romero
