Helping the poor is not a papal fad, but a duty, pope says

Bishops continue to define response to sex abuse despite Vatican call for delay

Chilean cardinal ends C9 term, subpoenaed by prosecutors

Pope names Archbishop Scicluna adjunct secretary of CDF

My pilgrimage to 365 churches on five continents in 365 days

East Timor government blocks president's planned visit to Vatican

Pope calls for new alliance between young, old to change the world

Lack of progress fighting hunger is shameful, pope says

Lives of love: Pope Francis canonizes Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Romero

Children of Salvadoran TPS holders gain support from Pope Francis

The highs, lows and distractions of the Vatican synod on young people

The irreconcilable duality of Pope Paul VI

Editorial: Dangerous saints for desperate times

Links for 10/11/18

Texas dioceses will release names of clergy credibly accused of abuse

Chinese bishop says agreement is sign that universal church is one

Francis' repeated call to us: Welcome migrants

Church leaders must face truth of abuse, Cardinal DiNardo says

Scicluna: Accountability should be on agenda of February Vatican abuse summit

Lawsuit against Vatican seeks names of over 3,400 abuse perpetrators
