John L. Allen Jr.

John L. Allen Jr. was staff writer, Vatican correspondent and senior correspondent for NCR from 1997 until 2014 when he joined 

By this Author

Torture in his history taints Spanish martyr's beatification

Transcript of press conference on Muslim letter to Benedict XVI

Vatican thinks theological dialogue with Islam is impossible, experts charge

138 Muslim leaders call for common ground with Christians

Cardinal George's thoughts on the American church

Vatican's top liturgical liberal steps down

Competing interpretations of 'death with dignity'

Dutch Dominicans back women, gays, married men as priests

John Paul's doctor rejects charge that pope's death was euthanasia

Benedict XVI's approval rating in America is 73 percent, poll finds

Churches 'are not bound by the First Amendment and cannot violate it'; Racism in the church

Why is Fr. Peter Phan under investigation?

Backgrounder: Confusion has marked debate over providing food and water

Food and water for patients in vegetative state is obligatory, Vatican says

Breaking News: Vatican, bishops investigating Georgetown theologian Phan

Case of embattled archbishop in Zimbabwe becomes Rorschach test

DAY THREE: Making space for theology 'on bent knee'

DAY THREE: Pope urges defense of creation, giving Sunday a soul

DAY TWO: Pope defends celibacy and obedience, offers gesture to China

DAY TWO: Austria offers unique model for integration of Islam
