John L. Allen Jr.

John L. Allen Jr. was staff writer, Vatican correspondent and senior correspondent for NCR from 1997 until 2014 when he joined 

By this Author

CELAM update: A surprising ecumenical mood, despite 'anti-sectarian avalanche'

Whirling dervishes to perform for Pope Benedict XVI

The pope's communication paradox

Motu proprio alert: Castrillon confirms ruling is coming

Calendar Item: May 15 Presentation of Pope's Book in Washington, D.C.

Day Five: Benedict's critique of capitalism no surprise

Day Five: Pope raps Capitalism, Marxism as 'blind alleys'' in a world without God

Day Five: Christ, not ideology, creates a "continent of hope," pope says

Day Four: Facing dramatic losses, Benedict says: "It's worth it to stay Catholic!"

Day Four: Benedict issues dramatic warning to drug dealers, but his real message is Christ

Day Three: Pope calls Brazil's bishops to order

Benedict's priorities: Feeding humanity's spiritual and material hunger

Day Three: Benedict holds up a model of authentic liberation theology

Day Two: Mexican cardinal says pope repeated bishops' line on abortion

Day Two: Benedict strikes softer tone

Day Two: Pope will say something 'very important' on social justice, Martino promises

Day Two: Hopelessness, not Pentecostalism, as Brazil's mega-trend in religion

Day Two: A new era of Caholic/Pentecostal 'good feelings'?

Day One: Aside from abortion furor, pope hits all the expected notes

Day One: Confusion on communion for pro-choice politicians nothing new
