John L. Allen Jr.

John L. Allen Jr. was staff writer, Vatican correspondent and senior correspondent for NCR from 1997 until 2014 when he joined 

By this Author

CTSA: Lutheran finds \"incoherence\" in Catholic teaching on ministry, ecumenism

Is now the time to beatify and canonize Pope Pius XII?

CTSA: Mahony accents 'autonomy and integrity' of theology

CTSA: Bishops opt for 'Hallmark card ecclesiology' on minorities, theologian says

CTSA Backgrounder: The pastoral letter on women that never was

In preview of beatification debates, Vatican official defends Pope Pius XII

Text of Speech by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone on Pope Pius XII

Sorting out the results of the Latin American bishops' meeting

Vatican's point man on higher education moves to Vancouver

'Pope's pastor' is father of three-year-old child

Comparisons to Hitler, Holocaust mark new low in Venezuela's Church/State relations

'Yellow light' from the Vatican on Turkey in the EU

Council for Interreligious Dialogue to be restored, Vatican says

German theologians demand 'intelligent restructuring' of Vatican's doctrinal office

Wojtyla's gospel meets the New York theater

Martini on Benedict's book: 'It's the book I wanted to write'

CELAM update: The lasting legacy of liberation theology

CELAM update: The 'greening' of the Latin American bishops

Benedict XVI corrects the record on colonization of Latin America

CELAM update: 'Option for the Poor' alive and well in Latin America
