John L. Allen Jr.

John L. Allen Jr. was staff writer, Vatican correspondent and senior correspondent for NCR from 1997 until 2014 when he joined 

By this Author

Vatican official supports Denver archbishop in dispute over Catholic charities

If demography is destiny, Pentecostals are the ecumenical future

Tension over Catholic identity of church-run charities swirls in Rome, Denver

The Vatican in full-court ecumenical press

New Jesuit leader: Theology is a dialogue, but we will obey

New Jesuit leader a progressive shaped by Asia

Navarro-Valls on the pope, science, and La Sapienza

Archbishop Niederauer on cathedral ministries; Allen on church communication; Update on La Sapienza spat

After protest from scientists, pope to skip university visit

The pope, modern science, and a canary in the coal mine

Ratzinger's 1990 remarks on Galileo

Highlights from papal homilies and addresses; From the 'no sense of humor' file

Pope taps Princeton water expert, believer in global warming for science academy

Vatican faces ticking clock on prayer for conversion of Jews

Natural law key to world peace, Benedict XVI tells diplomats

Vatican to Jesuits: 'Think with the Church'

Full text of Bertone interview looking back at '07 and forward to '08

Catholics must walk carefully in Kenya's political crisis

2007's neglected story: Benedict XVI and 'Affirmative Orthodoxy'

Catholics helped pass U.N. vote favoring global death penalty ban; Notes about: Episcopalians, Kolvenbach and Vatican PR
