Francis, the comic strip

Name given at baptism gives sense of identity, belonging, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

'Is my dad in heaven?' little boy asks pope

Gospel calls Christians to reject economy that exploits, pope says

Pope's quotes: Life is full of scars

Francis, the comic strip

Baptism opens door to Holy Spirit's action, pope says

Repentant sinners need merciful confessors, not inquisitors, pope says

Don't be afraid of shame, open hearts to God's mercy, pope says

As young people speak to church, they must listen to Jesus, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: Two churches

Francis, the comic strip

Leave Mass praising God, not gossiping about others, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Easter shows the power of love, which renews the world, pope says

Easter hope breaks routine, unleashes creativity, pope says

Pope's quotes: Let the Spirit lead us

Francis, the comic strip

Jesus does not give up on anyone, pope tells prisoners
