Francis, the comic strip

Francis, the comic strip

Pope to police: A nation can't survive without families teaching values

Pope's quotes: Great realism

Cheating workers out of just wages, benefits is mortal sin, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Confirmation gives Catholics strength to be led by God, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

The Holy Spirit changes hearts, pope says on Pentecost

Pope's quotes: Word becomes flesh

Francis, the comic strip

Gift of baptism is to be cherished, pope says at audience

Parishes grow only when people are welcomed, heard, pope says

'Selfie' culture leads to alienation, departure from reality, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Young people in the church need to be heard, not silenced, pope says

Pope's quotes: God saves us

Be inspired by Mary, Christ's first lay disciple, pope tells laypeople

Francis, the comic strip

Reborn in baptism, Christians are called to live like Christ, pope says

The devil is a big loser, but he still manages to trick people, pope says
