Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: A prophetic way

Francis, the comic strip

Lent is time to notice God's work, receive God's mercy, pope says

People have right to receive God's word, so preach it well, pope says

Pope, Melkite patriarch formalize full communion

Francis, the comic strip

Clients of prostitution are promoting human trafficking, pope says

Help people find healing in the wounds of Christ, pope tells priests

Pope's quotes: We are so busy

Francis, the comic strip

Pope asks people to work together to end human trafficking

Homilies must help people reflect, not nap, pope says

Lent is time to become aware of false prophets, cold hearts, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Stop loan sharks with fair lending options, frugal lifestyles, pope says

Pope to religious: Your hearts must be open 24-7

Condemn violence, evil waged in God's name, pope tells religious leaders

Pope's quotes: Good works

Francis, the comic strip

Readings at Mass offer God's 'real-time' help, pope says
