Guest Voices

Pope Francis needs to reform papal election process — carefully

Philanthropy is vital for all-girls schools and the spirit of women religious

The Catholic Church needs married priests now

Vatican's new whistleblower procedure is a good start, but needs adjustment

To reform Catholic Church, honor Christ's authority

It is time for US Catholics to take significant risks for Gaza

I've volunteered at Annunciation House. The Texas attorney general is plain wrong.

Critics of Cecilia Gentili's funeral missed chance to listen to queer Catholics

The most political thing we can do as Catholics

Trump's language of evil

For better liturgy the synod calls for, revisit English translations for Mass

Gospel music brings Black witness to Catholic liturgy

No one who seeks a blessing is outside the circle of God's love

Reading the 2023 synod report with new hope for the 2024 synod

LA Skid Row anchors Catholic Worker 'to the suffering world'

Jonah is a prophet for today

To bless or not to bless?

What South Africa's case against Israel means for President Biden, and for us

Guatemala offers hope to a world where democracy is threatened

Synod report has wide-ranging implications for church governance, ministry
