NCR Voices

Whatever the obstacles, Biden's Build Back Better plan must help undocumented immigrants

Fox and EWTN make truth a casualty of the culture war

Inflation has the country on edge. Democrats need to find better ways to address it.

A child is coming to save us. Perhaps he'll remind us to do better by the children we have.

Links: Trumpian propaganda; global inequality; Latino voters

Public funding of religious schools is coming. The first lesson is compromise.

Opposition to Black icon at Catholic University ignores Christ's universality

Links: Cordileone rescheduled; Newsom's gun proposal; GOP shenanigans in Georgia

Biden's summit on democracy and how Catholic teaching can help

Defend religiously affiliated child care without igniting a culture war

Someone is killing Republicans and Trump voters

Links: Tycoons' tax evasion, the 'smiling pope' and more Advent music

Do you think everyone at Latin Mass is an ideologue? You might be wrong.

Pope Francis evangelizes very differently than US conservatives

Encuentros: Learning from 50 years of synodal experience — if we've been paying attention

Links: Cardinal Burke to celebrate Mass, Democrats need to talk economics, the New Right of American politics

Pope Francis is asking the US bishops to listen to the people. Will they?

Migrants were asked, 'Why did you leave your home?' Here's what they said.

Happy New Year, it's Advent

Bigotry and cowardice in the GOP
