NCR Voices

Links: Tycoons' tax evasion, the 'smiling pope' and more Advent music

Do you think everyone at Latin Mass is an ideologue? You might be wrong.

Pope Francis evangelizes very differently than US conservatives

Encuentros: Learning from 50 years of synodal experience — if we've been paying attention

Links: Cardinal Burke to celebrate Mass, Democrats need to talk economics, the New Right of American politics

Pope Francis is asking the US bishops to listen to the people. Will they?

Migrants were asked, 'Why did you leave your home?' Here's what they said.

Happy New Year, it's Advent

Bigotry and cowardice in the GOP

Links: Gerrymandering in Wisconsin, the Black Madonna at CUA, and Build Back Better health provisions

Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness — for they shall boil over

America sacramentalizes guns as God's gift to the good. This is heresy

On World AIDS Day, what that pandemic teaches us about COVID-19

Links: Republicans control state legislatures; Archbishop Gomez earns some praise

As Supreme Court considers abortion case, can we assume the best about our opponents?

Links: An editorial on the bishops' Communion document, labor news, hymns for CELAM and Thanksgiving

Christians must develop an anti-racist spirituality, Mennonite authors argue

Breidenbach's fertile research raises questions about history of religious liberty

Links: The Rittenhouse verdict; Catholic Worker reaction to Archbishop Gomez; Bosnia on the verge of breakup

Ave Maria professor's book sees roots of religious liberty in Catholicism
