
Letters to the editor on women's ordination

Don't forget the spiritual side of Earth Day

If church membership is not the metric for young people, what is?

Honoring Teresia Mbari Hinga, a feminist African theologian who dared to think

DeSantis vs. Edwards: Only one governor is really pro-life

In Los Angeles County, an immigrant church — again

North American synod document hits all the right notes

The Francis Effect podcast: Tennessee Three; Clarence Thomas; Doctrine of Discovery

Letters to the editor about the confessional seal

An Easter journey of mourning Holocaust victims who shared my name

Abortion pill court decisions show how Dobbs aggravated the abortion fight

What does AI have to say about religion?

Pope Benedict 'closed' Limbo and no one complained

Catholic Workers gather in Madison to protest new F-35 fighter jets

Justice Clarence Thomas' lavish trips raise acute ethical dilemmas

Remembering revolutionary Pax Nidorf, who founded LGBT ministry DignityUSA

How will a synodal church embody the virtue of obedience?

Looking for Easter

This Good Friday, let us look upon the cross and tremble

Christ continues to be crucified in today's world
