
Supreme Court's conservative majority is making new rules for minorities

The US deserves some legacy bishop appointments, too

'Bidenomics' is good for the economy — and the president's campaign

303 Creative v. Elenis: A Catholic's guide to weighing Supreme Court decisions

Why the synod on synodality is confusing to American Catholics

Will Supreme Court decision achieve 'colorblindness for all'?

Jewish apostle, not Jewish apostate: (Mis)reading the apostle Paul

Editorial: We remain hopeful about the synod process

A year after Dobbs: What about maternal life?

Post-Dobbs, the political and intellectual climate is confused or worse

Is the eucharistic revival an exercise in cheap grace?

It's nonsense to accuse the new synod document of tilting the process in favor of an agenda

Participation and inclusion in the synod are about baptismal belonging

Putin should be made to answer for war crimes in Ukraine

Synodal working document is deeply rooted in Vatican II

Letters to the editor on Bishop Strickland and Pride Night at Dodger Stadium

This just in: Catholic churches have the worst preaching and music in the US

Catholic social teaching book has lessons for synodal church, today's politics

Chicago's downtrodden, magnificent Our Lady of the Underpass still inspires

New book explores papal interpretations of 'signs of the times'
