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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Expecting extravagance

Mentors of an American Gandhi

The women of the 116th Congress will make a difference by being different

Papal preacher's good news for US bishops raises doubt about reform

Editorial: Reality check was missing at US bishops' retreat

Liberal Catholics have work to do to support consistent ethic of life

Five reasons the pope's clergy sex abuse meeting in Rome will fail

Links for 1/17/19

Francis, the comic strip

Messy table, messy heart

José Ovalle, WW2 veteran, was a part of US history few are aware of

Contemplation reveals our grounding in God

Hooray for Carlson, but let's keep expectations in check

How to save Western civilization — again

Editorial: The lesson of Opus Dei Fr. McCloskey's downfall

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 1/15/19

Why making clergy mandatory reporters won't solve the Catholic abuse crisis

Curb the crisis: 10 essential lessons for investigating church leaders
