
Links for 1/29/19

Francis, the comic strip

Like Mary, some youth today don't get to be children

Sunday's Scriptures need fulfillment today

New Boston College report on the priesthood addresses pressing need

Let's challenge our presumptions of humility, tradition

Living and praying with Mark in Ordinary Time

When Twitter drums out both sound and silence

I got a glimpse of the future of women deacons, and it's troubling

Your thoughts on bad priests, an NCR columnist, clericalism and more

Links for 1/24/19

It's not about women priests

Worldview boils down to 'fixed' and 'fluid' folks, though most are mixed

Young people deserve to hear directly from Pope Francis on synod

Author suggests the point of religion is to admit not knowing

Links for 1/22/19

Francis, the comic strip

We want to see humility, action, but I'm not expecting anything like that from the bishops

Gospel's poor widow is homeless in Vermont

'Transformation' or no, Gillibrand's candidacy is underwhelming
