
Copy Desk Daily, July 15, 2020

Will the church use paycheck protection money as it should?

The Elizabeth Warren economic hymnal is in Biden's pew

New book on truth is excellent resource during coronavirus pandemic

Copy Desk Daily, July 14, 2020

White sacrifices are necessary to change the rules of the game

Editorial: That Trump can still sway some Catholic voters is a real scandal

After the Supreme Court's latest decision, who would want to work in a church?

Links for 7/14/20

Francis, the comic strip

Time for Biden to build a big tent

America needs a post-COVID national service program

Copy Desk Daily, July 13, 2020

Losing a mother and grieving during a pandemic

In a society that places heavy burdens on many, Jesus invites us to rest

COVID-19 is more than a public health challenge: It's a moral test

Copy Desk Daily, July 10, 2020

Architectures of hate kill human dignity by design

Black lives matter in the worshipping church

Your thoughts on accusations of misconduct against David Haas
