
Copy Desk Daily, July 22, 2020

Little Sisters of the Poor are the wealthy right wing's perfect avatar

You could see Elizabeth's soul, despite outward appearance

Links for 7/21/20

Copy Desk Daily, July 21, 2020

Francis, the comic strip

Bishop McElroy's hopeful vision for a church transformed

Copy Desk Daily, July 20, 2020

John Lewis called us to be a nation at peace with itself

Samantha Power's memoir sheds light on foreign policy in the Obama years

The transcendent music of Ennio Morricone

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: The teller of tricky tales

Latest Flannery O'Connor film a seamless, aesthetic portrait of writer's life

Your thoughts on Catholic voters for Trump

Editorial: Our inside-out bishops need to look outward again

Cardinal Dolan, George Weigel and the fraudulence of the neocon project

Copy Desk Daily, July 17, 2020

The problems with papal politicking

Links for 7/16/20

Francis, the comic strip
