
Your thoughts on forgiving Donald Trump

Asking for a friend: Can a Catholic vote for Biden?

Why I don't vote

Links for 10/22/20

Francis, the comic strip

Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench

The Francis Effect podcast: Election update, Michigan militias and 'Fratelli Tutti'

Debate prediction: a flailing Trump

How this pro-life former congressman is voting this election

Francis, the comic strip

Catholic encounters with Muslims frame 'Fratelli tutti'

Links for 10/20/20

Catholics cannot forget workers' rights when voting

Pope needs transparency, zero tolerance to end Vatican's financial corruption

Health care is not equal — it's a racial justice issue

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: No one answer

Sarah Posner's 'Unholy' implicates Catholics as well as evangelicals

Staring down climate despair through kinship

Shea explains how politics, culture distort our understanding of Catholicism

What would Jesus wear to celebrate Mass at the end of the world?
