
Adventures in clericalism with McCarrick and Trump 

The GOP's future? Ditch Trump and read Edmund Burke

White Christians' voting patterns are an indictment of churches

Memoir recognizes need for more than talk about racial reconciliation

AOC's favorite biblical story is mired in a dark, anti-Jewish past

'Lucifer' is a family drama exploring relationship between faith and reason

Your thoughts on the sainthood of Pope John Paul II

Trump's putative putsch and its collaborators

McCarrick report is one small step to dismantling clerical culture

Setting the record straight on NCR and McCarrick coverage

Francis, the comic strip

Nuclear weapons are illegal: 50 nations ratify historic UN treaty

Links for 11/19/20

4 ways progressive pro-lifers can reengage with Democratic leaders

Thanks, President Trump — I learned a lot from you

I'll meet you at the cross: A post-election theology of encounter

The dead and the living deserve better than rushed reconciliation

Gomez's lack of leadership is on full display with statement on Biden

McCarrick scandal shows why popes, like John Paul, should not be canonized

Are we on the right side of history on racial justice?
