
In Lebanon, Vatican official urges peace, assures people of pope's concern

Italy court definitively annuls warrant for Vatican suspect

Praying for peace, looking toward Olympics, pope emphasizes unity

Francis was interrupted by a maskless protester. The pope responded with prayer.

American Catholics need to shed some habits to get in the synodal spirit

New Zealand abuse report implicates 14 percent of Catholic clergy who served since 1950

The lesson for bishops from Benedict report: Apologize, apologize, apologize

Italy's military chaplain challenges disgraced Archbishop Viganò's false vaccination claims

Francis, the comic strip

Knights of Malta official confident reforms will respect sovereignty

Pope calls for end to discrimination against people with Hansen's disease

Taxes must serve the common good, pope tells Italy's revenue agency

Top German bishop again calls for an apology from retired Pope Benedict

In Pope Adrian VI, glimpses of Pope Francis' priorities 500 years ago

Defending retired Pope Benedict, cardinals cite outreach to victims, action against abusers

Vatican projects budget deficit for 2022 as pandemic continues

Pope Francis praises Catholic group combating 'fake news' about vaccines

Germany's Cardinal Marx calls findings of abuse report a 'disaster' for church

Pope: Church courts must never manipulate facts for a desired end

Editorial: In penance for mishandled abuse cases, Benedict needs to give up 'pope emeritus'
