
Dialogue is best antidote to extremism, pope tells Iraqi Christian leaders

Vatican cardinal offers to help mediate between Ukraine, Russia

Pope Francis again pleads for an end of conflict: 'Those who make war forget humanity'

Vatican publishes schedule for papal trip to Malta

Pope Francis visits Russian Embassy to Holy See to express concerns over war

Under doctor's orders, Pope Francis cancels travel plans to Florence

Pope Francis takes notes during two-hour dialogue with students across the Americas

Do good unto others, ditch digital addictions for Lent, pope says

Amid Russian invasion of Ukraine, Vatican pleas for 'room for negotiation'

Ukrainian Catholics in Rome want stronger criticism of Russia from Vatican

Pope calls for day of prayer, fasting for peace in Ukraine

Meet the US students set to talk to Pope Francis on Feb. 24

I forgive Pope Benedict. I hope others can too.

Vatican announces contest to design Holy Year 2025 logo

Vatican announces theme for World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Fraternity of St. Peter can continue with pre-Vatican II liturgies

Pope hails health care workers as heroes for COVID service

Women speakers emphasize need for 'reciprocity' in church's ministry

Celibacy not 'divine law' for priests, but promotes holiness, speakers say

Vatican statistics show global imbalance in ratio of Catholics per priest
