
Religious leaders reject GOP tax bill, call for 'faithful budget'

Women's voices are missing amid discussions of sex assault, power abuse

Church calls for calm in Honduras as election results are delayed

Fighting wildfire with prayer, Catholics turn to Eucharistic adoration

2,400 faith leaders ask Senate to nix tax cut legislation

We're on the verge of a profligate arms race

Links for 11/30/17

Recognize Pope Francis' declarations against death penalty, nuclear weapons

Miami archbishop: Fixing immigration system doesn't mean demonization

Archbishop Warda of Iraq celebrates memorial Mass for victims of genocide

Parish roundup: Merger fails; Vermont diocese plans synod

Offensive murals must go, say Native American Notre Dame students and others

Washington Archdiocese takes transit system to court over ad guidelines

Photos of Pope Francis in Myanmar

Former Salvadoran official extradited, to stand trial for murder of Jesuits

Irish priests told: Reform takes working with bishops, parishioners

'Pope's sociologist' fights human trafficking from the Vatican and in her own parish

SNAP issues apology to priest and St. Louis Archdiocese

Wars, violent conflicts main drivers of human trafficking, says nuncio

Strong net neutrality protections called critical to faith community
