Activist Felix Cepeda is seen outside Our Lady of the Scapular/St. Stephen in the New York Archdiocese (Mercedes Gallese)
The split, some would say chasm, between traditionalist Catholics and the rest makes a merger of Connecticut parishes impossible.
"Have you had enough?" A Boston priest asks addicts that question to begin the long road to recovery.
In the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, the writer of prayer petitions at a local parish Mass is the object of complaints as he urges prayers for Pope Francis' approach for decentralizing the church.
Activist Felix Cepeda keeps up the pressure on the New York Archdiocese to join the immigrant sanctuary movement.
A priest is remembered for his work among the poor of Northern Virginia.
The Burlington Diocese, which covers the entire state of Vermont, plans for a synod.
Football is dangerous, basketball can involve only a relative few, so the Catholic Youth Organization on Staten Island, New York, sponsors bowling as an alternative. Reviews are excellent.
Three hundred years of Big Easy history is celebrated in a new exhibit on the Catholic Church's influence on the history of New Orleans.
[Peter Feuerherd is a correspondent for NCR's Field Hospital series on parish life and is a professor of journalism at St. John's University, New York.]
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