
Focus group of Catholic parishioners talks politics in Detroit suburb

On both sides of abortion debate, Catholics largely fall short

10 years after Vatican reform, Legion in new abuse crisis

Bishop Strickland says he asked pope about McCarrick report

Redemption, beauty of the family emphasized at Los Angeles march for life

Legion vows probe into cover-up of abused little girls

Vatican orders sex abuse investigation of Brooklyn bishop

Germany's synodal assembly a step to rebuilding church's credibility

Catholic immigration activists step up in battle against Trump policies

Where has the aspirational quality of American democracy gone?

Journalist who covered civil rights activism reflects on the MLK legacy

Dorothy Day documentary examines the woman and might-be saint

Editorial: US foreign policy belies the veneer of noble purpose

Impact investing moves money from 'do no harm' to promoting social good

Religions can be part of the solution for peace, not the problem, faith leaders say

Robert Heyer, acclaimed Catholic book editor, dies at age 87

Protect your health, physically and spiritually, pope says

New Matthew Kelly program sees parishes as fertile market for consulting

In Costa Rica, university president sees Laudato Si' reenergizing Catholics

Can Catholics and evangelicals sway politics as the 'religious left'?
