
For some Latinos, grappling with their Christian identity can be complicated

Music performance allows contemplation on sex abuse crisis

Trump curbs immigration for 6 nations; not a full travel ban

Judge allows AP to be heard in dispute over Saints emails

US-created crisis is now a humanitarian disaster at Mexico's doorstep

Pope meets president of Argentina; no news of papal trip home

Should we have kids?

Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo: Bankruptcy imminent

In Amazon, without a priest, 'there is a hole in the family'

Here are the most interesting questions so far in impeachment trial

Faith influences Iowa's Catholic college voters

Pastor apologizes for words 'hurtful to Muslims' in homily on immigration

In Nigeria, archdiocese provides relief to victims of fire disaster

Staying in the moment, even when the moment is repeated

Links for 1/30/20

Appeals court acquits French cardinal of sex abuse cover-up

Evangelicals embrace Trump's peace plan, saying it recognizes the Bible 'as legal'

Knights of Columbus unveils new initiation ceremony that will be public

Court says Catholic universities not under labor board's authority

Peace scholar says finding disappeared victims of Mexico's drug war 'a moral issue'
