
Catholic priest is sentenced to time served after 2018 break-in at nuclear naval base

Vatican gathers ambassadors to hear what is happening in Syria

What would Jesus wear to celebrate Mass at the end of the world?

'God has given me a set of skills' to help others, says doctor, mentor, volunteer

I need to forgive Donald Trump

How to make our politics better: Pray first, says a Jesuit guide

Archbishop Cordileone plans exorcism at church where Serra statue was toppled

Francis quickly fills post left vacant by fired Vatican cardinal

Links for 10/15/20

Francis, the comic strip

Denying sacraments to those planning euthanasia may cause scandal

Poland's powerful Cardinal Dziwisz accused of covering up abuse case

Video: Facebook Live on coronavirus, health care and the election

Supreme Court order allows census count to end

Pope, Council of Cardinals meet online to discuss Curia reform

Church groups help new wave of Venezuelan migrants

Woman close to Vatican cardinal arrested in corruption probe

Vatican trial for sex abuse in pope's youth seminary opens

Amy Coney Barrett is not a feminist icon — she is not a feminist at all

Trump's coronavirus response a case study in toxic masculinity
