
Vatican reports positive coronavirus case at pope's residence

Poll: White evangelicals are religious outliers on every issue of concern to voters

AOC and Cummings, battling over House seat, 'see things differently'

Fr. Altman of LaCrosse speaks in Chicago, raising questions about quarantine rules

Catholic encounters with Muslims frame 'Fratelli tutti'

Links for 10/20/20

Francis, the comic strip

Supreme Court to hear cases emerging from Trump's immigration policies

Catholic worker who broke into naval base to protest nuclear weapons sentenced

Pope accepts resignation of bishop accused of failing to act on abuse

Clergy shortage grows to more than 3k Catholics for every priest, Vatican data shows

As election nears, Black and Latinx Catholics work for political inclusion

Survivor group demands Vatican investigation of New Orleans archdiocese

Catholics cannot forget workers' rights when voting

In 'Yellow Rose,' an undocumented Filipina sings for her American dream

Health care is not equal — it's a racial justice issue

Sarah Posner's 'Unholy' implicates Catholics as well as evangelicals

Poll: Trump lead wanes with white Catholics; Biden has wide edge with Latinos

The 2020 election's most crucial faith group is one you've never heard of

'Faith Vote' 20-minute ad aims to cement liberal believers for Biden
