
An author's peacekeeping journey during the Iraq War

HHS acts on alleged violations of conscience protection by California, Vermont hospital

Catholic Trump supporters see moment of division, resignation

Faith groups have a key role to play in reducing climate-linked violence

Will Republicans work with Biden? Probably not.

Suit alleges sexual misconduct by Orchard Lake Schools' chancellor in Michigan

Miami archbishop gets COVID-19 vaccine to show it's safe, morally ethical

Complaint seeks to push Boston College to drop fossil fuel stocks

Vatican allows priests to celebrate four Masses on Christmas, feast days

TPS beneficiaries from seven countries to receive extension

Paris court convicts former Vatican envoy of sexual assault

Francis urges world leaders to reduce military spending in 2021 peace message

Links: 'Deep state' heroes, Trump still whining, identity politics

2020: A year like no other

For Catholics in Belarus, winter brings fears of renewed repression

Then-Bishop Gregory's 2004 Asia visit was a chance to 'do a little good'

Video: Facebook Live on Newsmaker of the Year

Vatican's foreign minister reaffirms church's shift away from accepting nuclear deterrence

Court sides with Colorado, New Jersey challenges to pandemic worship restrictions

President-elect Joe Biden is NCR's Catholic Newsmaker of the Year
