
NCR's top 10 most read opinion and commentary articles of 2020

Idealism confronts institutional reality in NCR board member's memoir

The making of a novel: Trump, Francis and a church re-imagined

Jesuit Fr. Bill Barry and a friendship like no other

Belarus says it will allow archbishop to return for Christmas

Quarantined and Catholic, a Gaffigan Christmas

Maryland Catholic Conference urges Trump to stop a federal execution

College student creates gingerbread cathedral, raises money for homeless

Lots of money, and hard work, bring pandemic aid bill to finish line

Two Vatican cardinals test positive for COVID-19; one hospitalized

'Of course Biden is the president-elect'

This Christmas, be a midwife to justice

No singing allowed? Chicago Catholic school's students learn sign language

DC church replaces Black Lives Matter banner destroyed by 'Proud Boys'

How a podcast is helping this Catholic and gay Latino man break the stigma

Last Hong Kong governor: Pope 'badly advised' on China bishops' pact

Supreme Court gives no definitive ruling on Trump's census plan

Vatican: Coronavirus vaccines 'morally acceptable' for Catholics

Francis warns Vatican officials their conflicts polarize Catholic Church

For Christmas, socially distanced Masses to continue as traditions move online
