Rev. Barber's Poor People's Campaign calls for resistance to reopening plans

As lockdowns ease, some countries report new infection peaks

Competent coronavirus management matters, and it's political

Trump calls on Americans to cease hoarding food, supplies

Network: No grade for the Senate because it did nothing

After acquittal, Trump unleashes fury at impeachment

Here are the most interesting questions so far in impeachment trial

Where has the aspirational quality of American democracy gone?

Your thoughts on NCR's 2019 Newsmaker of the Year, part two

For next census, expect every dirty trick in the book from GOP

We are living in an 'in between' time politically

Your thoughts on welcoming LGBT Catholics, holy anger, St. Newman and more

Your thoughts on impeachment, part two

Links for 10/3/19

Links for 9/26/19

Calling Sen. Mitch McConnell on gun control: Is anybody there? Does anybody care?

Rev. William Barber calls on Democrats to host debate on poverty, racism

To overtake Senate, Democrats should focus on kitchen table issues

The left's fetish for a pristine past is misguided

Would Pope Francis back the Green New Deal?
