As the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump gets underway, it's a good time to remind NCR readers that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was chosen as our 2019 Newsmaker of the Year. We already published letters to the editor responding to that choice, but we have another batch below. Letters have been edited for length and clarity.
For those politicians identifying as Catholic, please note:
First of all, Christianity is not the end all be all of this universe and certainly not Catholicism as evidenced by the checkered past and present of male catholic clergy from sexual abuse, financial abuse and absolute control over the minds and souls of uninformed lay people. Need I mention Opus Dei, a secretive cult-like "Catholic" organization who has undue influence over politicians and the vulnerable, or is it vice versa?
Nancy Pelosi, aside from being Catholic, is, in my opinion, a wise and gifted politician and I feel she has the health, well-being and safety of this country of laws and the world at the center of her work and life experience.

Please ensure that the senate trial of President Donald Trump is conducted with witnesses and documents as befitting any courtroom proceeding.
Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, you are not qualified or intitled to police yourself and the administration in question.
The only thing to fear is fear itself.
Belleville, Illinois
"You should be ashamed.".
I only need four, not 250 words to reflect the reaction I and numerous other Catholics I have spoken to have had regarding your "award."
Apparently, your publication is more liberal than it is Catholic. I would never subscribe to your publication, nor will anyone I talk to regarding Catholic publications in the future.
Bend, Oregon
Pride and uplifted is what I felt when I saw who NCR had chosen as Newsmaker of the Year. I will never forget her swift response to the reporter's question of whether she hated President Donald Trump. She had about one second to think about it in her two swift steps back to the podium and responded that she did not hate — that as a Catholic, "hate" was not in her. She went on to comment that she thought his action wrong and something about praying for him.
Her example is one for me as I try not to hate and to pray for him. I also enjoyed the lead up article "Here's the inside scoop on choosing NCR's Newsmaker of the Year." Being a Barry University graduate, long ago, we were reminded often of the quote from Proverbs about what it means to be valiant woman. Nancy Pelosi is a valiant woman.
Your paper is a gift to me. As a born Catholic, it gives me hope for our church. So glad I subscribed and I pass it on to others.
Lake Worth Beach, Florida
I like the word "appalled" used by a commenter and am pleased over half your commenters are also seemingly appalled.
Reading between the lines of the "copy" from NCR for some time now, I am aware NCR is not really grounded in Catholicism. While many articles, points of view are "spot on," others are so far removed from Catholic belief, that it's obvious a strong bias, non-Catholic, very political and left-leaning is deeply rooted within NCR.
I gave thought to cancelling my subscription and support, but Fr. James Schall counsels being open to consider anything in light of God given reason, thus while "appalled," I left my subscription intact.
To be clear, my subscription remains by a desire to learn of, to come to know thoughts of others not found in more reliably "Catholic" publications, not by any belief that NCR itself is "Catholic."
It would have been far better had NCR simply published a "Many think Pelosi to be …" news type article instead of seeming to endorse her as a Catholic to emulate.
Anchorage, Alaska
Thank you for choosing Nancy Pelosi as the Newsmaker of the Year. As a mother of nine children, elected representative, person concerned with the needy and capable political leader, she has led the House in the difficult task of impeaching a dishonest and unstable president.
Smart choice for the NCR
Toronto, Ontario
As one who generally supports NCR and Michael Sean Winters' positions, I find it absolutely mystifying that you should choose Nancy Pelosi as your choice when she is so highly controversial among Catholics. If your intent is to persuade others to many of your positions, why make a choice that will knee reflex turn you off without listening?
I fear that your choice made have been made with strong feeling but lacked wisdom. I am disappointed.
Somerset, Kentucky
I couldn't agree more with your selection of Nancy Pelosi as the NCR's person of the year. She never fails to mention prayer in her decisions and is a fine example of what a Christian, Catholic politician should be. I just wish I could vote for her for POTUS.
St. Louis, Missouri
As an Irish Catholic I offer a far better figure for Newsmaker of the Year.
He is from my native home's neighboring parish of Clara, Offaly, which also produced a recent Irish Taoiseach, but my nominee has no political baggage and was celebrated by all sides of the political and religious divide in Ireland. Moreover, he is a good family man and exudes happiness rather than displaying an attitude which" would sour fresh milk."
I refer to Shawn Lowey, the 2019 British Open Golf champion. We need some good cheer for a change.
Leesburg, Florida
I was pleased to see your naming of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as 2019 Newsmaker of the Year.
I remember when Pelosi was not as sanguine about the idea of impeaching a president as she is now. In 2007, I presented Pelosi with a petition signed by hundreds of people urging her to begin impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney "for their egregious disregard of the U.S. Constitution, the authority of the U.S. Congress, and the best interests of the American people." Cited in the petition was the administration's lying to Congress, ignoring Congressional subpoena, refusing to respond to Congressional inquiry and starting an unprovoked war (in Iraq). When I handed the petition to the speaker, in my town for an appearance, she responded, "No, we're not going to go that route."
She didn't have the backbone to impeach Bush-Cheney back then, allowing Republicans to set a precedent of unacceptable behavior. Perhaps she has now learned her lesson from that failure to censure a dozen years ago.
San Antonio, Texas
How can you possibly vote Nancy Pelosi as a Catholic award winner? She supports abortion, lies and is no example to follow.
This newspaper is in need of wholesomeness and integrity in judging a person's values.
Western Springs, Illinois
Bravo! I am so glad that you picked Nancy Pelosi as your 2019 Newsmaker of the Year. What a wonderful contrast she provides with President Donald Trump. When she pointed her finger at that reporter and said, "I don't hate anyone. I'm a Catholic. We don't hate people," I didn't know whether to cry for joy, or stand up and shout for joy.
You picked the right person in my book. I'm having a hard time reading the negative comments. Nancy is my hero. I'd vote for her for president. Heck, I'd vote for her for pope.
Beaverton, Oregon
As a Canadian Humanistic Jew, I am encouraged by your naming Nancy Pelosi Newsmaker of the Year.
She is a woman devoted to the core values of her faith at a time when so many religious people are compromising their core values to embrace a corrupt and morally bankrupt American president. She gives me hope that the U.S. will survive Donald Trump.
Victoria, British Columbia
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