College diploma: source of pride and uncertainty for graduating Dreamers

Sam Daley-Harris' decades of work for civic change embodies citizen activism

Dozens killed in protests as U.S. embassy inaugurated in Jerusalem

Celebrate Israel's 70th anniversary without reluctance

Catholic groups oppose CIA nominee Gina Haspel for connection to torture

US bishops search for next compliance auditor for charter to protect children

My friend Dan Berrigan: another Daniel in the lions' den

Compelling memoirs reveal brutal history of Trinidad, Iraq, Southern Italy

Ahead of V Encuentro, report gathers stats on Hispanic ministry in US

Asylum seekers face increasing obstacles, which some see as deliberate

Feminist theologian Elizabeth Johnson retires from teaching, but not theology

Pope meets his advisory commission on child protection

Book collects conference discussions on applying 'Amoris Laetitia' in US

Caritas Syria: Air strikes reopened wounds, but agency still able to help

Cardinal, hospital staff urge Illinois legislators to act on gun bill

Encuentro Eclesial event unites Cuban Catholics, bridges US-Cuba division

Morning Briefing

Cubans, US exiles connect to help rebuild Cuba's Catholic Church

Georgetown gathering seeks to overcome polarization within church

Baseball as a road to God: Conversation with author John Sexton
