Copy Desk Daily, Aug. 8, 2019

Remember, repent, resist: 74 years since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Links for 8/6/19

At Napa, Lindsey Graham praises Trump, despite administration 'chaos'

Links for 8/1/19

The political and faith journey of South Bend's 'Mayor Pete'

In 'The Farewell,' a family unites to guard the unspoken truth

Sainthood causes draw focus to black Catholics and need for justice

Links for 7/25/19

Mexican shelters tell of harassment since U.S.-Mexico deal on migrants

Parish roundup: Parishioners serve at northern and southern borders

Boundaries and borders serve 'us,' while all others suffer

When picking new US bishops, Francis shouldn't hesitate to ruffle feathers

Bishop urges lawmakers to end 'stranglehold' on immigration to U.S.

Administration to apply 'third country' rule for asylum-seekers

As U.S.-Iran tensions escalate, is any room left for negotiations?

Across US, 'Lights for Liberty' shine in solidarity with immigrants

Nigerian priests face increasing threat of kidnapping, murder

Connecticut bishops urge 'complete overhaul' of U.S. immigration policy

I made a mixtape for the church I love
