Religion News Service

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San Francisco archbishop blasts gender transitions as threat to faith

Music chief for Pope Francis' Phildelphia Mass quits in dispute with Archbishop Chaput

Americans prefer 'pro-choice' label by biggest margin in seven years

Possible Boy Scout gay leadership change has religious groups weighing options

New Jersey priest fired as Seton Hall chaplain comes out as gay

Forget the numbers. The big story is that religion has lost social influence

TV and Internet? Meh. What Pope Francis really misses are pizza outings

Australians push for Vatican cardinal to testify on abuse

Charles Manson's chaplain speaks out amid national death row debate

Ireland's gay marriage referendum a sign of Roman Catholic decline

John M. Templeton Jr., philanthropist devoted to science and religion, dies at 75

In Thomas Merton, conference panelists see a model for racial justice and healing

Interfaith activists call solitary confinement immoral, ineffective

Vatican decision to recognize Palestine upsets Israeli government, Jewish advocacy groups

Once Pope Francis knows US capitalism, he will love it, says Catholic theologian-economist

Christians lose ground, 'nones' soar in new portrait of US religion

How moms set children's spiritual compass and why it matters

American priest translates 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' into Latin

Liberation theology's founder basks in a belated rehabilitation under Pope Francis

Vatican newspaper blasts Muhammad cartoons as pouring 'gasoline on the fire'

