Religion News Service

By this Author

Five faith facts about Marco Rubio: 'Once a Catholic always a Catholic'

Survey: Army chaplains need training to help suicidal soldiers

Female rabbis are forging a path outside denominational Judaism

Small band of Mormons register their opposition to church leaders, say 'all is not well in Zion'

A national campaign for 'Islam a la Francaise' takes root amid growing radicalization

Walter Kasper, 'pope's theologian,' reveals the brains behind Francis' heart

#blacklivesmatter in Mark Burnett and Roma Downey's 'A.D.'

The future map of religions reveals a world of change for Christians, Muslims and Jews

Indiana lawmakers agree to amend 'religious freedom' law

Dolan and other religious leaders discuss 'the rise of religious intolerance,' interfaith harmony

Where did the Indiana law come from? A brief history of religious freedom

Anti-Semitism in US spikes after nearly a decade of decline

New York City to change rules to allow churches to rent schools

In a groundbreaking vote, Latino evangelicals call for end to death penalty

Cardinal Raymond Burke: Gays, remarried Catholics, murderers are all the same

Survey: Millennials are the 'don't judge generation' on sexual morality

Church of England loses no time, appoints third woman bishop and first to oversee a diocese

Some early data suggest the 'Francis effect' could be real

New Jersey to Newark archdiocese: Get out of the headstone business

Nigerian Christians may back a Muslim candidate in upcoming presidential elections

