Religion News Service

By this Author

Look for a ‘Francis effect’ at the voting booth, not in the pews

What some papal pundits get wrong about the polls — and why

Philly teen arrested in alleged plot targeting Pope Francis visit

French residents greet Syrian refugees warmly, but many are wary

Gay and celibate, Ron Belgau is the official face of gay Catholicism for Pope Francis’ visit

Want to see the pope up close? Washingtonians will get a peek

Israeli Christian schools strike to protest cuts in public funding

Will Pope Francis' annulment reforms impact U.S. Catholics?

Most US Catholics are fine with nontraditional families

Did you hear the one about the pope?

Pope’s ‘blessing’ to lesbian no change in policy, Vatican says

Vatican backs plan to name Rome square for Martin Luther

Ambassador: Pope Francis’ spontaneity makes security a challenge

Catholics love their celebrity pope and most — not all — his priorities

'Post-traumatic church syndrome’? Yep, it’s a thing

In Catholic Colombia, LGBT people find growing acceptance

Italian Catholic Church scrambles to explain role in lavish Mafia boss funeral

Israel’s enemy within: Young militant settlers

Pope Francis holds sign urging Falkland Islands dialogue, causes stir in Argentina

Reform Jewish movement declines to take a stance on Iran nuclear deal

