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Health care prescription? Regroup, cooperate, Catholic health leaders say

Bishop Mark Seitz denounces hateful words, militarization of border

Two priests kidnapped in Congo's troubled North Kivu province

Trial begins for ex-Vatican officials accused of stealing hospital funds

Archbishop: Brazil trying to undo protections for indigenous peoples

Korean bishops' conference leader backs South Korean peace goal with North

Bishop sees little improvement in Senate's latest effort on health care

House passes anti-trafficking bill; measure goes to Senate

Former doctrine chief denies account of papal meeting

Catechesis is a vocation of service, not a job, pope says

Hong Kong Christians pray for terminally ill Liu Xiaobo

Pope appoints 'bicycle bishop' to head Archdiocese of Milan

Pope approves new path to sainthood: heroic act of loving service

Bishop to South Sudan: Declare bankruptcy

Bishops say Venezuela aims to install 'military dictatorship'

Salvadoran cardinal: Pope sending him to Korea to work for peace

Vatican asks bishops to ensure validity of matter for Eucharist

Syriac Christian artist calls paintings of war 'a cry for help'

Churches, NGOs take Canada to court over refugee pact with U.S.

Virginia carries out execution despite pleas inmate was mentally ill
