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Mexico City Archdiocese clarifies number of abuse cases reported

Catholic, Orthodox patriarchs seek help, say Mideast churches in danger

Catholics on Guam pray for peace amid threats by North Korea

Bishops ask for peace after white nationalist rally turns deadly

Bishop Cantu calls for diplomacy to ease U.S.-North Korea differences

Kenyan bishops urge calm as opposition rejects early results

Ex-Vatican diplomat: US, North Korea must return to negotiating table

Vatican official hints at unofficial agreement with China on bishops

Responding to priests, Vatican investigates Indonesian bishop

Pope says he's saddened by 'perfect' Catholics who despise others

Bishop attends ICE meeting for mother fearing separation from child

Peacemakers urge U.S. to empty its nuclear arsenal

Pope tells Belgian Brothers of Charity no more euthanasia for patients

Syro-Malankara bishop serving in U.S. named head of eparchy in India

Pezzullo, former diplomat who was first layman to head CRS, dies at 91

American community finds a new home in Rome

Supporters of young migrants ask for DACA protection at Washington rally

Cardinal Tettamanzi, 'loving, beloved pastor,' dies at 83

West Bank priests stress nonviolence as youths protest Israeli occupation

Constituent Assembly will 'mortgage' Venezuela's future, Vatican says
