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Study says doing away with immigration program would harm economy

China tells mainland media how to refer to retired Hong Kong bishop

At WYD Unite event, young adults urged to recognize, share God's love

U.S. bishop urges Senate to remedy health care after vote to proceed

Court says church has right to hire employees who 'advance faith'

Mexican bishops don't see explosion as attack on church

Christians need time to rebuild trust before return to Mosul region

Vatican shuts down fountains as Rome deals with drought

Churches provide refuge to Kenyans fleeing al-Shabab attacks

Access to Medicaid to get health care called 'vital' for West Virginians

After protests over Satanic memorial, city nixes all religious symbols

Ohio artist restores religious statues, stirs memories of closed parishes

Opioid addiction, overdoses an epidemic, say public health officials

Chinese official indicates Beijing to retain tight grip on church

Colombian martyrs: witnesses to the point of death

U.S. bishops call for permanent protection for young migrants

Facebook restores Catholic pages after their accidental removal

Cameroon bishops take legal action over prelate's suspicious death

Investigation into Regensburg choir finds more than 500 boys were abused

Gingrich, nominee for U.S. ambassador to Vatican, testifies at hearing
