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Cardinal Toppo, India's first tribal bishop, dies at 83

Pope gives Curia assignments to new cardinals

Be sincere with God even when saying 'no,' pope says

Before synod retreat, pope prays for listening instead of polarization

New cardinals have great hopes for synod on synodality

New cardinals bring experience of 'peripheries' to universal church

Synod members to make pilgrimage to catacombs; pray with refugees

Papal commission asks synod make safeguarding a bigger priority

Hope must be restored in communities, young people, pope says

Pope says his new ecology document is titled 'Laudate Deum'

Pope's choices for next World Youth Day celebrations are focused on hope

Indiscriminate destruction in Ukraine is a 'crime,' pope says

Pope names two Chinese bishops to synod; Vatican publishes synod schedule

Vatican asks UN Security Council to join efforts for peace in Ukraine

Pope: Christians are called to fight 'every form of slavery'

Vatican, Lutheran officials call for joint study of Augsburg Confession

Vatican pushes nations to ensure religious freedom in Jerusalem

Synod office announces plan to reduce assembly's carbon footprint

Pope to global leaders: Save children, the planet 'before it's too late'

Pope to confessors, faithful: Forgive always, like God
