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Vatican offers further guidance on handling cremains

Prudent use of Vatican finances is essential for mission, pope says

Christians must be open to listening to God, helping others, pope says

Council to ask pope to authorize studies on key synod topics

Weeping Mary is sign of her motherly love, pope says

Use diplomacy to fix injustices sparking conflicts, pope tells ambassadors

Pope gives Syro-Malabar Catholics Christmas deadline to end dispute

Pope, Council of Cardinals discussed the role of women in the church

Canon law must be part of church's mission of mercy, pope says

Cardinal Parolin to read pope's address to climate conference in Dubai

Pope asks theologians to help 'de-masculinize' the church

Pope: Places, mentalities must be more receptive to people with disabilities

Evangelization includes care for the poor and the Earth, pope tells conference

Media must show, promote respect for human dignity, pope says

God calls some to bring his love, Gospel to everyone, pope says

Pope sees threat of church in Germany moving away from Rome

Pope: Contemplate greatness of God's love in simplicity of a crèche

Acting to end abuse is 'non-negotiable,' pope says

'Poverty is a scandal,' pope says; Christians must use gifts for charity

Eucharistic adoration, charity, promoting justice are connected, pope says
