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Church hierarchy has 'nothing to fear' from synodality, cardinal says

Vatican confirms it will welcome Nicaraguan priests released from prison

Whoopi Goldberg delivers 'Sister Act' swag to Pope Francis

The Eucharist has the power to draw hearts to Jesus, pope say

Pope calls for world day of prayer for peace as catastrophe looms in Gaza

Synod members urge patience as process continues

Water is a precious, finite resource to be protected, shared, pope says

Pilgrim path: Synod participants journey to roots of faith in Rome

Prayer is weapon against 'diabolical' power of violence, pope says

St. Thérèse teaches simplicity, love, trust, pope says in document

Archives show mixed Vatican response to Holocaust, scholars say

Synod members from around the globe unite in praying for peace

Synod elects members to oversee synthesis report

Synod guest shares how process reduces anger, builds community

Love, forgiveness liberate, break cycles of violence, pope says

Pope Francis condemns Hamas terrorism, but expresses concern for Gaza civilians

Synod focus on welcoming is what Jesus would do, synod member says

Study, not blame or shame, needed with pope's wartime record, scholar says

War defeats human dignity, avoids finding solution, Vatican cardinal says

'People of goodwill' at Vatican event respond to 'Laudate Deum'
