
Former business exec gets 22.5 years for role in Berta Cáceres murder

Long-awaited Joan Chittister tour excites Australian Catholic reformers

Panel: Gun violence is pro-life issue that sensible gun laws must address

Pope appoints key posts, including nun in development office

Religious leaders join Indigenous in Brazilian land protest

Vatican official speaks to event hosted by LGBT outreach group New Ways Ministry

Government to lift health measure that blocks entrance of asylum-seekers

Irish plan to exhume remains at religious-run children's homes draws criticism

Women speakers emphasize need for 'reciprocity' in church's ministry

New statement points to how companies can make a 'just transition'

Conservative group's lawsuit over Catholic border ministry draws criticism

Knowing Black Catholic history can help end racism, professor says

Pope Francis thanks New Ways Ministry in recent correspondence

Closing assembly, Latin American church leaders call for inclusive church

COP26 climate summit made progress but came up short, Catholic agencies say

Pope Francis appoints religious sister as secretary general of Vatican City

Is your diocese promoting the synod? No matter what, you can still participate

Migrant shelter in southern Mexico denounces raid by armed individuals

Organization for torture survivors founded by late Ursuline sister honored

5 reasons why Catholics should care about the COP26 climate summit
